Monday, January 18, 2010

$5 from the toothfairy

This photo was taken this weekend when we were at a private animal refuge estate. More photos of that to follow since I finally got my camera battery charger!!!


  1. Yeah!! Let's hear it for the tooth fairy! And for the camera being back in operation!!!

    Love, Grammy/Gayle

  2. So exciting to finally see a photo! I can't believe that's really our big boy Miles. Looking forward to many more photos.... so glad you have a working camera now.

  3. I clicked on this and tears sprang to my eyes. So grown. So far away. Sorry! Just having a moment.

  4. Aah, Paige's comment made me cry! Just what I was thinking. Goodness, he's so grown up and handsome. I love the long hair too.

    And I am also so so excited that your camera charger finally arrived. I know that made your week! Looking forward to more pictures :)
