Sunday, February 12, 2012

Remembering Eliza

Yesterday I read something I'd written about Eliza when she was a baby. Like most parents, I've forgotten most of it. There are the photos and a few videos, but in writing I'd captured something else - how things used to be - Eliza's baby personality, her delicious baby gestures, baby emotions and her relationship with us.

Amman, Jordan - January 2008
Eliza is so different now. She is a little girl with her fashion sensibility, her love for drama, and her interest in animals. She interacts with the world and us in a totally different way. What had been subtle, inarticulate baby behaviors - sitting content in my lap during coffee conversations with other moms or laughter at the rough play with her brother or continuous babble before she knew more than a few words - developed into interest in going out and socializing, a degree of spiritedness to match her brother's intensity and (no surprise in this family) loquaciousness.

Harare, Zimbabwe - January 2012
Remembering Eliza the baby made me remember loving her then, as she was then, and as much as I love her now, I can't help but be a bit heart broken at not having baby Eliza anymore.

Sunday morning fashions
bats in pjs
rolling in the deeeeep! you had my heart insiiiiiide your hands!
#1 bee in the school musical
more weekend dress up
trying to hang earrings on unpierced ears

this is getting boring, mom.

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully written, Katy, and some very special Eliza photos too.
