Sorry, grandparents. Between figuring out a new camera (Nikon D90, yea!!) and a new photo management system (Picasa), I have been slow to respond to the blog requests. Add to that an unreliable Zimbabwean internet connection and the distractions of the holiday, and you get...well, get ready because here come those blogs!
A special thanks to our secret Santa who received packages from amazon for weeks that had to be unpacked and re-packed in suitcases that also had to be bought. There were customs officials to get by and all the uncertainty and stress of traveling across the world on Christmas Day to arrive in a country you've never been to... Thanks, Brian! You performed your voluntary duties with the utmost holiday cheer and added much needed kinfolk to our nuclear scene. We can't wait to hear about your adventures with 15 single women and 15 single men in South Africa's wine country, on safaris and shark diving (do tell!).
The kids start back to school on Tuesday. I don't know where the time went! Highlights for the kids this Christmas have been having a tree and Santa visiting them here, and getting so much time to just relax at home.
Thanks so much, Katy. All the photos have been greatly appreciated. Will be looking at them and reading blog for hours!