Saturday, February 26, 2011

Race Day

Finishing up the last quarter of the 300m.
I arrived just in time to see Miles at the starting line with the rest of the boys in the first grade. They were about to run around the soccer field - probably more like 300m than 400m.  It was their quarterly field day called "Color-house Day" since all the kids in the elementary school are split into 4 colors that compete against each other.

He was on the outside, but by the time they rounded the corner, he had sprinted in front of the whole pack, and I was seriously worried he wouldn't be able to keep that up and that things would end very badly (emotionally for him) with everyone passing him. But he stayed in the front and pulled ahead until the last quarter when Victor, the boy behind him here, started to catch up. Miles was slowing down. They crossed the finish line with Victor a half a step ahead. It was so exciting that I could hardly see - my tears were fogging up my sun glasses and I was crazily taking photos and cheering. Memories of the races I ran in school came rushing back to me- oh, the nausea and nerves!

He came in first in the sprints, as well. His time was the fastest in the first grade - obviously, he gets that from his dad.  I had a great photo of him crossing the finish line, but I lost that and a lot of other photos, unfortunately. At least I have it in my head... His class was very supportive and cheered him. It was all really special.

Eliza's field day was more like herding cats. Kids her age don't get simple things like running in a lane - all the kids ran straight to the teacher who was on the side line - or running a relay - oh, right, there's something in my hand. What's that for? I'm just so excited to be running!
Relays with 3- & 4-year-olds = pretty silly


  1. Oh, how I wish I could have been there!! Your description of Eliza's age group participating in field day was hysterical. I forget how young they are - oh my, what patience those teachers must have. But I guess it's nice as a parent to have one child at the all-out competitive age and another just having FUN!

  2. Miles facial expression coming into the finish line says it all! It does bring it all back, doesn't it! Way to go Miles!!!!
