Sunday, March 15, 2009

Family Event: The Flip

My first posted video! And Miles's first ever video! And Eliza's first ever flip over!

(If only I didn't have to listen to myself. How does David manage hearing all that incessant prattle? I vow to reduce my noise in all future videos if not in life in general. Wait. Am I prattling now? Doh.)


  1. YEA a video!!! Wonder where you get that prattling? And BTW, I keep making comments on your blogs that are not showing up. Should I think you've found a way to block them?

  2. So excellent - impressive flipping, Eliza! And Miles, I loved the entertainment with your hands while they were trying to figure the whole flipping thing out.

    Oh, the Rudder women - I have been told I ramble on videos as well (by none other than our mother who taught us all our rambling skills)!

  3. Yeah, Eliza! (My favorite part is Miles's hand!)
