Thursday, May 14, 2009


The play-date after school went something like this:

Miles (shirtless): Maria, do you want to play super strong thing? He keeps jumping from building to building. And he only lands on the tops of trees, and his feet are twice the size of buildings. They're 67 meters long! And his hands are 28 big! 

(He has to go shirtless these days since the Hulk and the Thing are shirtless. Apparently, no shirt can contain the bulging muscles of the super-super-super strong. BTW, we've never let him see any superhero movies or tv shows - he plays totally from images in his pre-school-level comic books and what he's picked up from friends on the playground. It almost feels like child abuse to deny him, but David feels even more strongly about the no-watching-violence thing than I do.)

Maria (clutching a tube of sparkly pink lipgloss): Eliza can't use this. It's only for big girls. (Eliza jumping up and down and whining.) OK, she can use it, but only on the top lip, not the bottom. (Eliza smearing it on her nose, top lip and bottom lip.) She put it on her bottom lip! (It's hard without a mirror, I suggest.) But I can put it on perfectly without a mirror!

The play-date went on to another friend's house, more of a mom gathering with the children doing their own thing wildly about the property. There was some joint play, but at one point the 4 girls played dress up: not the superhero kind, but the pink, sparkly, make-up, high-heels and tiara kind. Miles spent a good portion of the afternoon alone in his classmate's big brother's room, playing out imaginary fights between his many action figures. 

So is this how it's going to be from now on?

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