Sunday, May 31, 2009

Serious Painting

Here's Miles "creating a board game like chess but about monsters," using his favorite colors: red (the color of lava and rage...he's into the word "enraged" these days which he feels is more accurate than "anger" to describe his feelings of frustration at times) and pink (a color close to red). Both Eliza and Miles are wearing oil cloth aprons I got for them at Christmas via Etsy. I can't find the woman who made these, but there're a lot of cool handmade things at the site. Miles picked out the fabric himself (see, red...and it's got a pink pocket with red strawberries, his favorite fruit next to red apples).

Eliza, the driving force behind getting out the paints, is seriously at work.

What happens when you leave a toddler alone with paint. (She did a very thorough job.)

BTW, Elizabeth, if you're reading this, Eliza loves the black Amsterdam shirt you gave Miles when he was a baby. She pushes aside all the pink and goes for the black any time she's in the mood to dress herself (and it's actually clean and in her drawer).


  1. I love Miles' hair these days - he is looking so handsome and grown up (do I say this every time??? I still just can't over how old he is!)

    Perfect picture of green armed Eliza with her mischievous "I'm so sweet and innocent" smile.

  2. I think those two pictures of Miles and Eliza painting perfectly captures their personalities.

  3. Edited last comment. That sounded terrible!

    The pictures of Eliza and Miles painting captures their personalities perfectly!

    Any better? You're the English major, Katy.
