Sunday, March 22, 2009

Miles in Class

Same Mother's Day -- the woman sitting is Miss Dina, the English teacher and the woman with the tired shuffling walk to help with Miles is the Arabic teacher, Miss Juliana. At the end of the last video, Miles is catching a kiss that I blow to him and blows one back to me but I accidently cut off his kiss to me. V cute. He does this often now when I drop him off from school....I have to catch them and put them on my cheek like he catches mine.


  1. As always I love the videos! I like the new blog profile photo too. Soooooo sweet.

    To Miles & Eliza: thank you for sharing this special Mother's Day with your Nana. Wish I could have been there, but at least I get to hear and see you on my computer.

  2. I heard Miles singing above all the other children - what a good voice!

    Miles catching his Mommy's kiss may just be the sweetest thing I have ever seen. Miles, I just threw you a kiss through the computer. Hope you can catch it!
