Sunday, March 22, 2009

Mother's Day in Jordan

Thursday was Mother's Day in Jordan, so mothers and grandmothers were invited to the nursery school to see kiddie art and what the little ones are learning. Here's Eliza in her class just getting settled down with English teacher Miss Lana reading them a book. (The photos are mixed up because I couldn't move them around without Safari shutting down for some reason...)

Here's Miles with his English language teacher Dina who is reading a book to them. Miles is next to friends Seifedin and Max.

Eliza playing with another girl's umbrella.

Eliza's photo of Miles' class before they got started. She refused to sit still, and was nicely taken away by her teacher Miss Lana. Note this is half of Miles' class, they split them into two groups, since they have too many students to be able to fit them all, plus mothers, in the room.

How teachers deal with children that are not paying attention and wrestling around with others: the cherished seat right next to the teacher!

Singing their songs. Classmates: Sophie, Max, Zain, Miles, Sarah, Wael and Omar.

Before being removed from the room, the teacher allowed Eliza to try and integrate with the KG1 children.

Ready for a little mischief. Eliza and our neighbor Rifat in the foreground.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Katy, for sharing Mother's Day in M&E's classrooms with all of us. It's nice to see how and what they're doing at school. Miles' looks so handsome in his red sweatshirt/uniform and I really like Eliza's new haircut. Keep 'em coming!! Love, Gayle
